Canes should be planted 50-60cm apart with 120-150cm between the rows. Canes for planting are usually available from November to March. If the soil is too wet to plant immediately the canes should be “heeled-in” until conditions improve. They should be planted firmly...
Planting Techniques
Planting Potatoes for Christmas Harvest
It is possible to plant and grow some varieties of seed potatoes in late July/August and harvest them, just in time to enjoy at Christmas. First and second early varieties such as Charlotte, Pentland Javelin and Duke of York are amongst the...
Shrubs for Exposed Sites
NAME DESCRIPTION HEIGHTCotoneasterDeciduous, evergreen, low growing variety.10cm+ElaeagnusEvergreen, attractive variegated and green leaves. 2-4m+ EscalloniaEvergreen, flowers in summer. 45cm-2mEuonymus fortunei Evergreen, variegated...
Shrubs for Heavy Clay Soils
NAMEDESCRIPTIONHEIGHT AbeliaSemi-evergreen, deciduous, summer flowering.1-2m AucubaEvergreen, large leaves, berries on female.1.5m+ Berberis Evergreen & deciduous, orange flowers in spring, autumn...
Shrubs for Shade
NAMEDESCRIPTION HEIGHT Aucuba Evergreen, large leaves, berries on female. 1.5m+ Elaeagnus Evergreen, small scented flowers. 2m+ Euonymus Evergreen, variegated leaves. 1m Camellia Evergreen, spring...
Planting Bulbs
Generally, the planting and aftercare of hardy bulbs is straightforward. After making sure that the bulb is right for the situation and suitable for the time of planting, choose good quality bulbs and ensure soil will not be waterlogged in winter. To plant, dig the...
Shrubs for Sunny Aspects
NAME DESCRIPTION HEIGHT Abelia Semi-evergreen, scented flowers in summer. 90cm-5m Bracchiglottis Evergreen, grey felted leaves, yellow flowers. 75cm+ Buddleja Deciduous, summer flowers, attracts...
Plants for Difficult Situations
Below are a few recommendations for planting in different situations. HOT AND DRY CONDITIONS...
Planting Trees or Shrubs
PLANTING: Mark out an area for planting, which should be at least double the size of the container or the root stock (if bare rooted). The hole should be dug out to the diameter marked and slightly deeper than the container or rootstock. In the bottom of the planting...

Viburnum tinus cvs.
Even if the February days don’t feel they are getting any warmer, they are getting longer and on the occasional mild day you really do feel that spring is just around the corner. As if to herald...
Tips from our Nursery Team

Jobs for February
Sweet peas can be sown in an unheated greenhouse or a cold frame. Prune roses and summer flowering shrubs. Cut back Group 3 (late-flowering) clematis. See our information leaflet or our website for...