Care & Cultivation
Useful information to help you make suitable choices and how to care for your products.
Magnolias are the true aristocrats of the tree and shrub world and are relatively trouble-free to grow. Most are deciduous and produce spectacular displays of goblet or start-shaped flowers in spring before their leaves have emerged. An evergreen form, M. grandiflora,...
Orchids make excellent house plants and are available in many different sizes and colours. Species such as Phalaenopsis are easy to look after if a few basic requirements are followed. POSITION: Orchids require 10-15 hours of good light a day...
DESCRIPTION: A very elegant house plant with masses of daisy-like flowers covering the heart-shaped leaves. The colour range is blue, Cherry red, lilac, lilac with eye, white, sky blue and pink with eye. WATERING: Water thoroughly, keep soil evenly moist to...
Hydrangea macrophylla
IN THE HOUSE: LIGHT: Bright light but not direct sun. TEMPERATURE: Keep cool. The cooler the plant is the longer the flowers will last. WATERING: Keep the compost moist but NOT TOO WET at all times. Do not allow to dry out. AFTER FLOWERING: Cut...
Camellias have attractive glossy green foliage and exotic flowers and are among the elite of evergreen shrubs. In northern England they’ll flower during late winter and early spring when grown outside or several weeks earlier,...
A large and spectacular group of shrubs which flower mainly from April until June. The growth and leaf size vary enormously from dwarf, alpine types to large tree forms and because of this diversity there is a rhododendron or azalea for most gardens. The more...
Heathers are a fantastic, low-cost, low-maintenance, evergreen plant, most of which are idea for groundcover. They are also an excellent choice for winter containers and hanging baskets. With a careful selection of varieties, a garden can have heathers in flower...
Citrus Trees
Ideal for adding a Mediterranean look to your patio or conservatory. Citrus trees produce clusters of highly scented, waxy white flowers and are followed by delicious fruits which are a great addition to the drink of your choice. Citrus trees are self-pollinating so...
Roses bring style and elegance to any garden, be it large or small. There are climbing and rambling roses to cover walls, fences, arches and arbors, roses that grow meters upwards to flower in the canopies of trees, patio roses to grow in containers, ground-cover...
The spider-like flowers of Hamamelis (Witch Hazel) look delicate and frail but for six or eight weeks from late December through to mid-February they are perhaps the toughest of all winter flowering shrubs. The thin, strap-like petals form a profusion of flowers...
Japanese Maples
Known for their graceful habit, often with attractive coloured foliage, and many with finely textured leaves, Japanese maples come into their own in autumn when their foliage turns stunning shades of golden-yellow, orange or fiery red. They are slow-growing and...
Sweet Peas
Sweet peas are usually highly scented and rated for their beautiful flowers, which come in a wide range of colours. As annuals, they only live for a year. PLANTING: The recommended time for planting sweet peas is from mid-March onwards. Plant in an open sunny site,...
Tips from our Nursery Team

Jobs for March
Lift and divide perennials. Start mowing the lawn, but only if required. Plant lilies and other summer flowering bulbs. Plant early potatoes and onions / shallots. Prune group 2 & 3...
Gardening & Plant Fact Sheets

Fruit Tree Pollination
Apples The weather has a big impact on successful fruit set. If the weather is good when the trees are in flower, most will set adequate fruit. This is because there are many pollinating insects and...