At Daleside Nurseries we’re excited to announce the development of a brand new restaurant. We've teamed up with Paradise Foods and HACS Construction to create a fabulous new eating experience. The expertise of Frances Atkins, Roger Olive and John Tullett, formally of...
Latest News
Please enjoy our latest News below, please email or telephone us on 01423 506450 if you have any queries.
September Plant of the Month
Japanese Anemone
Few plants can upstage the Japanese anemone when it comes to autumn elegance. Flowering from August until late October their flowers, range in colour from white to dark pink and almost every shade...
Tips from our Nursery Team
Jobs for September
Plant spring-flowering bulbs such as daffodils, tulips, crocus, bluebells etc.Continue the colour by replacing summer bedding with autumn flowering plants and spring bulbs.The days may be getting...