Seed Potatoes

Place seed potatoes in trays and keep in a frost-free and light position, this will encourage the tubers to sprout or ‘chit’. Try not to damage the sprouts when planting. They may however be planted directly into the ground foregoing ‘chitting’.

FIRST EARLY: PLANTING TIME: Late March. SPACING: 30cm between potatoes, 60cm between rows and 15cm deep. HARVEST: June or July. SECOND EARLY: PLANTING TIME: Mid-April. SPACING: Same as First Early. HARVEST: July or August. MAIN CROP: PLANTING TIME: Late April. SPACING: 38cm between potatoes, 75cm between rows and 15cm deep. HARVEST: September-October.

Tips from our Nursery Team

Jobs for May

Jobs for May

Control weeds before they get established. Feed trees, shrubs and roses with a quality general purpose fertiliser such as Vitax Q4. It’s still too early for summer bedding plants to go outside. Wait...

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May Plant of the Month


With masses of sweetly scented cascading flowers of blue, lilac, pink or white, wisterias are truly one of the most remarkable sights in any garden and undoubtedly the most aristocratic member of...

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Care & Cultivation Guides



Magnolias are the true aristocrats of the tree and shrub world and are relatively trouble-free to grow. Most are deciduous and produce spectacular displays of goblet or start-shaped flowers in...

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