At Daleside Nurseries we’re excited to announce the development of a brand new restaurant. We've teamed up with Paradise Foods and HACS Construction to create a fabulous new eating experience. The expertise of Frances Atkins, Roger Olive and John Tullett, formally of...
Latest News
Please enjoy our latest News below, please email or telephone us on 01423 506450 if you have any queries.
January Plant of the Month
Hamamelis (Witch Hazel)
January can be a long, dark and cold month with seemingly little going on in the garden. However, to think like this would be wrong, for there is a group of shrubs that bring vibrancy like no others...
Tips from our Nursery Team
Jobs for January
Spray fruit trees and bushes with a winter wash. Choose a calm day to do so. Make sure that your greenhouse heating is working. Prune apple and pear trees. After strong winds, check and if required,...