Patio Roses

Patio roses are simply ‘small roses’. Generally growing between 45cm-60cm high, are ideal for pots and tubs, and at the front of borders, when grouped in odd numbers. Miniature roses are even smaller, ranging from 25cm-30cm high. Often combined with summer bedding plants. Patio roses flower all summer long, providing a great display of colour. Roses, A Care & Cultivation Guide.

Tips from our Nursery Team

Jobs for January

Jobs for January

Spray fruit trees and bushes with a winter wash. Choose a calm day to do so. Make sure that your greenhouse heating is working. Prune apple and pear trees. After strong winds, check and if required,...

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January Plant of the Month
Hamamelis (Witch Hazel)

Hamamelis (Witch Hazel)

January can be a long, dark and cold month with seemingly little going on in the garden. However, to think like this would be wrong, for there is a group of shrubs that bring vibrancy like no others...

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Care & Cultivation Guides



Magnolias are the true aristocrats of the tree and shrub world and are relatively trouble-free to grow. Most are deciduous and produce spectacular displays of goblet or start-shaped flowers in...

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