Spray fruit trees and bushes with a winter wash. Choose a calm day to do so. Make sure that your greenhouse heating is working. Prune apple and pear trees. After strong winds, check and if required,...
Hardy Hybrids
The noblest of all flowering trees and shrubs
A large and spectacular group of shrubs which flower mainly from April until June. The growth and leaf size vary enormously from dwarf, alpine types to large tree forms and because of this diversity there is a rhododendron or azalea for most gardens. The more compact varieties are ideal for growing in pots. If grouped together on a large scale, they make a fantastic display. This can also be achieved on a smaller scale with the more compact varieties. Rhododendrons; A Care & Cultivation Guide
Showing all 11 results
August Lamiken
Bright pink, bell shaped flowers in late May. Compact habit. HEIGHT:1m SPREAD: 1.2m
Cunningham’s White
Pink buds open to white flowers with a yellow blotch in late April. HEIGHT: 2.4m
Rose-red flowers produced from May-June. Excellent growth habit. HEIGHT: 2.5m
Clear yellow flowers in spring. Plant in a moist, fertile LIME FREE soil in semi-shade. HEIGHT: 1.1.5m SPREAD: 1-1.5m
Gomer Waterer
White, slightly blushed flowers in early June. HEIGHT: 2.4m. SPREAD: 1.8m
Karl Naue
Rich red flowers with dark spots in the centre in a spectacular rounded truss during May. HEIGHT: 1.8m
Marcel Menard
Very deep violet-purple flowers with a green throat during May. HEIGHT: 1.2m
Mayor Johnson
Orange-red flowers in May on a compact, medium growing shrub. HEIGHT: 2.4m
Nova Zembla
Bright red flowers during late May-early June. HEIGHT: 2.4m
ponticum Graziella
Lilac flowers during May and June. Expect 100’s of flowers on a 10 year old plant. HEIGHT: 1.2m SPREAD: 1.5m
Compact plant with carmine red buds followed by large white flowers with pink-red edges. HEIGHT: 1m
Tips from our Nursery Team
Hamamelis (Witch Hazel)
January can be a long, dark and cold month with seemingly little going on in the garden. However, to think like this would be wrong, for there is a group of shrubs that bring vibrancy like no others...