Spray fruit trees and bushes with a winter wash. Choose a calm day to do so. Make sure that your greenhouse heating is working. Prune apple and pear trees. After strong winds, check and if required,...
Exotic Elegance
Camellias have attractive glossy green foliage and exotic flowers and are among the elite of evergreen shrubs. In northern England they’ll flower during late winter and early spring when grown outside or several weeks earlier, depending on the cultivar, when grown in a container under glass. Large plants often carry hundreds of flowers. Camellias require a moist but well-drained, LIME-FREE soil or compost and are best when grown in light shade. Protect from cold winds and early morning sun. Frosted flowers and buds caught by early morning sun can be disfigured due to bursting cells. Camellias; A Care & Cultivation Guide
Showing 1–12 of 17 results
japonica Brushfield Yellow
Very pretty camellia.....
japonica Dr King
Rose-red flowers.....
japonica Guilio Nuccio
Upright variety.....
japonica King’s Ransom
A beautiful camellia.....
japonica Lady Campbell
Carmine-red flowers.....
japonica Mrs Swan
Salmon-pink flowers.....
japonica Princess Baciocchi
Deep-red flowers......
japonica R L Wheeler
Rose-red flowers.....
japonica Silver Anniversary
Vigorous and compact.....
japonica Swan Lake
Flowers March-April.....
japonica William Bartlet
Large, double flowers.....
reticulata Mary Williams
Rose-pink flowers.....
Tips from our Nursery Team
Hamamelis (Witch Hazel)
January can be a long, dark and cold month with seemingly little going on in the garden. However, to think like this would be wrong, for there is a group of shrubs that bring vibrancy like no others...