- Sweet peas can be sown in an unheated greenhouse or a cold frame.
- Prune roses and summer flowering shrubs.
- Cut back Group 3 (late-flowering) clematis. See our information leaflet or our website for details.
- Plant onions and shallots.
- Prune autumn fruiting raspberries. Prune all the canes back to ground level.
- Protect the roots of container-grown plants from prolonged frost. Insulate with bubble wrap or move to a sheltered place.
- Cut back deciduous grasses.
- Large clumps of snowdrops can be lifted, divided into smaller clumps and replanted.
- Pots and containers can be planted with hardy spring bedding such as primroses, violas, forget-me-nots etc.
- Don’t forget to keep feeding garden birds. Many of them will pay you back in spring and summer by eating aphids and other pests.
Nursery Tips
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